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Websites by tag "webdesign"

Web design community and website awards members websites by Tag "webdesign".

All 8 Solos 4 Teams 4

Hozan Akko

Mays Domat

Art Director, Designer, and Web Developer

-Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts Communication Arts Dept
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus, graduated in 2009.
-Master Degree in Communication Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus.

Mays is a graphic artist who has been interes...

Nablus Building Materials

Mays Domat

Art Director, Designer, and Web Developer

-Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts Communication Arts Dept
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus, graduated in 2009.
-Master Degree in Communication Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus.

Mays is a graphic artist who has been interes...

Mars Rouge

Mars Rouge

A graphic studio as well as an expert digital media agency, we operate in tandem with businesses like yours to design unique, effective digital solutions.