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Websites from GR

Web design community and website awards websites from Greece.

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I was born in Thessaloniki-Greece in 1982.

I started painting from an early age.

In 1992 I began to mess with graffiti, until 2001.

In 1999 I entered the university of Agricultural School which i graduated in 2005. At the same time I started writing, mainly of my various concerns.

Then I went to the army and after that ...



I was born in Thessaloniki-Greece in 1982.

I started painting from an early age.

In 1992 I began to mess with graffiti, until 2001.

In 1999 I entered the university of Agricultural School which i graduated in 2005. At the same time I started writing, mainly of my various concerns.

Then I went to the army and after that ...