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Websites by tag "uiux"

Web design community and website awards members websites by Tag "uiux".

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Singula team

Singula Team wants you to feel like you're working with your own in-house team. Our agency builds teams to develop websites, services and applications, move products to the cloud or turn a legacy-filled solution into a lean microservice architecture.



Davide Mascioli - Portfolio


Hi there, my name is Davide Mascioli. Im a Digital Designer based in Rome, IT. I love Art, Tech, and Deep space exploration. Taking care of the smallest details is the key element of all my arts & crafts. My work ethics and philosophy both fit the "A thousand no's for every yes" mindset. When it comes to what I ...



Hi there, my name is Davide Mascioli. Im a Digital Designer based in Rome, IT. I love Art, Tech, and Deep space exploration. Taking care of the smallest details is the key element of all my arts & crafts. My work ethics and philosophy both fit the "A thousand no's for every yes" mindset. When it comes to what I ...