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Websites by tag "html5"

Web design community and website awards members websites by Tag "html5".

All 8 Solos 4 Teams 4

Litho - A Powerful Multipurpose Template.


ThemeZaa is a specialized digital media agency from India, serving a client roaster from across the globe.

In order to deliver awesome results, we have a high-caliber team of young professionals in various specializations, a high-speed network backbone, hands-on expertise in multiple web technologies, and an unwaveri...

IKKS - Leather Story

KNR Agency

KNR is a digital agency based in Paris. We help Fashion & Luxury Brands with their eCommerce strategy.

T7 Gaming

Tecziq Solutions

Tecziq Solutions was established to become pioneer as technology partners in development and implementation of automated solutions leading to sustainable growth for organizations across the globe. Tecziq has developed expertise in various technologies and platforms and have delivered many successful projects in vari...