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Websites from HR

Web design community and website awards websites from Croatia.

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Modulos | A Fully Modular Desk

I'm the co-founder and Art Director of BytePanda, a design and web development agency; and founder and CEO of Modulos ( I've always been a relentless tinkerer and a sucker for cool new products and design.

I have experience working on many different international products and areas during...

Glitter & Glam


Front-end Developer and Mobile App Designer with 10+ years experience in creating modern and awesome looking sites and mobile applications.

Modulos Desk

I'm the co-founder and Art Director of BytePanda, a design and web development agency; and founder and CEO of Modulos ( I've always been a relentless tinkerer and a sucker for cool new products and design.

I have experience working on many different international products and areas during...

Association Lijepa Nasa
Studio Miris
Certificate employer partner
Aqua Art
Fit Way