DTMX stands for Doctor Tripp & The Moonlight Xpress, who are 2 the most important people behind this project: its creativity and brainstorm.
DTMX is a brand of funky socks silver socks for healthy feet, that incorporates fashion, sustainability and innovation with an eye catching, timeless look.
DTMX socks timeless de...
We are The Tranmautritam Team, we are a team who build really powerful and easy to use WordPress Themes https://themeforest.net/item/cesis-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/21736436?ref=tranmautritam. Also, we are the creator of the Best Selling UI Design in the marketplace! We offer top-notch customer support...
London-based freelance web designer and illustrator
Young Blood is a full-service creative studio that has honed an expertise in services across graphic design, social media outreach, interactive digital production, advertising and content development. No matter how large or unusual task, we love collaborating remotely with international clients to solving creative a...