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"Rooydaad Architects" second review


I'm a French UX Designer and Art Director, originating from Poland and currently living in Canada. I see every project I am involved in as an opportunity to go further, providing my clients and employers with quality materials and a great working relationship.

Vincent Przybyla

With no doubt, simplicity and creativity were in the designer's mind when building this site, yet, I feel many issues, both IA and UI wise, don't do justice to the overall experience and to the beautiful contents.

- The intro can definitely be a curiosity grabber, but after seeing it, I doubt about its purpose.
- It took me couples of tries to get how to open the menu. I first thought I had to drag the "strip" to the right.
- Don't forget the user of mouse cursor (pointer) to indicate what element are clickable
- I literally jumped on my chair when I mouse-over the link in the menu!! I didn't expect that (piano key sounds), and I have to say this was not a good surprise.
- I expected the logo in the menu to be clickable (link to home page)
- In the home page, there is no way to control the slider (tried to click, used scroll wheel, etc...), to browse it and to directly access a project
- In the home page, on certain resolutions (tablet/portrait), I feel like the images could take the whole screen (like background-image: cover)
- I feel like either the home page (if each slides would be a link to a project) or the works page is useless
- In the works page (desktop), I could not find a way to make the projects slides (didn't see the two small arrows in the bottom)
- The font choice needs more contrast. I can understand the need for simplicity, but here, it feels like too uniform and monotonous
- Some other UI elements would need a bit of work, visually speaking

I like your architectural works though, they are beautiful :)