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"Brussels Airport in Numbers" third review


I'm NiƱo Ross Rodriguez (oninross), a Senior User Experience (UX) Developer with nine years of industry experience, specializing in developing pixel perfect websites quickly without sacrificing code quality and ensuring that users have the best UX they can get in a site.

As a Senior UX Developer, I love being challe...

Nino Ross Rodriguez

Its an interesting way of displaying numbers and statistics. I like the grid and the transitions. It was entertaining at first but it got a little boring and repetitive as you progress through the sections. It would be nice to actually animate the numbers as well. Not just using the simple slide in animation, but include the counting up also.

The icons could've used some animation as well. I feel the atmospheric images would've been better if it was a video.

Good job on transferring this on mobile as well.

Overall, good job guys!