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"UI Viking" third review

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

Congrats on launching a fun personal site. Can definitely see that you have put a lot of effort on branding. The colors and fonts are nice and consistent and like the preloader.

The thing that is missing is some more interaction between the elements. The implementation of parallax and scrollable animations could be considered. On the home page I can see moving planets, stars, and you the UI Viking floating around the universe with parallax motion and maybe a blurred planet really close that is a little slower than other elements in parallax movement. I would also make the "UI VIKING GRAPHIC DESIGNER" a text instead of image and animate that. The portfolio page is more like a gallery and this type of display has been seen in a lot of other portfolio pages. This is not really the best UI way to display the projects, because it doesn't have that unique feeling.

I also see some broken links at the first three portfolio items, maybe first, the 404 is not really broken. The projects are great, but overall you are going more for quantity over quality of the content. I miss some nice case studies with your thought process explained. Maybe consider about focusing only on projects that really stand out and present your skills. And also display them with nice scrollable animations, not like a gallery.

Overall the creative part is there, but execution could be improved.

Comments 2

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

Great to see that creative passion, keep it going :) Looking forward to see the next version.

Thanks for your review. Agree with every word)
Will improve everything once will be less swamped :)