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Websites from US

Web design community and website awards websites from United States.

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An award-winning digital designer. Born and raised in Estonia, worked in Singapore, before Spain, now in Los Angeles, CA.

Hozan Akko

Mays Domat

Art Director, Designer, and Web Developer

-Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts Communication Arts Dept
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus, graduated in 2009.
-Master Degree in Communication Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus.

Mays is a graphic artist who has been interes...

Nablus Building Materials

Mays Domat

Art Director, Designer, and Web Developer

-Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts Communication Arts Dept
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus, graduated in 2009.
-Master Degree in Communication Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus.

Mays is a graphic artist who has been interes...

My Life Story At 17 - Jason Xu
Won J. You
Daniel Scrivner


As a digital agency we use quality design, brand communications and social interactivity to give businesses a comprehensive and competitive presence in a rapidly evolving digital environment. Our services add value to your business, generate new followers, brand advocates and most importantly, increase revenue.

Continuum - The Freelancer OS

Jason Curry

This guy enjoys using empathy, research and iteration to create products that meet the goals of customers and product owners.

Historic Agency

Historic Agency

Phoenix based branding agency helping ambitious organizations do more good through strategy and design.

podcastpage is a website builder for podcasters

logicxrealm solutions llc

Michael Alden

A clean environment leaves fewer places for germs and bacteria to hide. Plus, dust and allergens build up in carpeting, bedding and upholstery over time, contributing to worsened allergies and asthma. In short, the health benefits of a clean home are obvious. If you want to keep yourself and your family healthy, cle...