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" - Web Design & Web Development" first review


I'm a French UX Designer and Art Director, originating from Poland and currently living in Canada. I see every project I am involved in as an opportunity to go further, providing my clients and employers with quality materials and a great working relationship.

Vincent Przybyla

Many, many, many points have to be improved:

- First, it feels like a regular wordpress site that you barely customized. I don't feel any identity, you know, those little things that make you unique...
- Too much text and no contrast in the font. Do you really expect your visitors to read paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs, especially considering that the font doesn't help as it doesn't add rhythm ?
- Where are your works? Do you think I'm gonna click on some links without any preview?
- The very first section of your home page is "News & Information". Not only the layout of this section is pretty poor, but, as a user, how could I be interested to know more about your news if I don't even know who you are...