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1 comments total

"TDC office" third review


I'm a French UX Designer and Art Director, originating from Poland and currently living in Canada. I see every project I am involved in as an opportunity to go further, providing my clients and employers with quality materials and a great working relationship.

Vincent Przybyla

All the animations feel jaggy / not smooth. It actually feels like a very heavy Flash website that overloads my graphic card :( And not for good reasons.

The visual design of the pages doesn't match the look and feel you get in the Main Menu page... I have to be honest, I find it looks old, and I wouldn't be surprised this site was designed some years ago.

Comments 1

Here at Dokmeh, we believe in making the most impossible ideas possible. Communication has risen to a level of potential accuracy and efficiency that has never been seen before. We seek to create the clearest link between your idea and your target, even if it seems beyond possibility. The link between your identity,...

Hi, thanks for comment, this designed and developet in 2013-14. Yes old school