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"Gregor Ojstersek Portfolio" first review


I'm a French UX Designer and Art Director, originating from Poland and currently living in Canada. I see every project I am involved in as an opportunity to go further, providing my clients and employers with quality materials and a great working relationship.

Vincent Przybyla

I like a lot of things, yet, some other things should be revised in my opinion. Let's start with the "thumbs down" :)

I'm not sure the navigation should be displayed the way it is: 2 links only. That may me think the information architecture could be improved. Speaking of which, I was a bit confused with the project page. Would be cool actually if I didn't have to click a second time on the tiny "view project" link to display the full project (put the link on the project number too).
Are the home and about page really necessary (as they are)? I think they could be merged and each project should be accessible directly through the home page (as there are only 4). Last but not least, sometimes the navigation is almost invisible because of the contents beneath.

Now the thumbs up:
I like the simplicity of the visual aesthetic, I like the way this simplicity and the main colors (blue and red) are introduced via your logo, I like the contrast of the font you use, I like the way your works are presented (variety of devices / full screen screenshots), I like the fact that you show the colors and the fonts used in each project (even if the colors don't need such BIG circles, and I would have appreciated the name of the fonts), and I like the consistency of the design and transition throughout the pages.

Overall, a pretty (very) good job :P

Comments 1

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

Thanks for the review Vincent. Appreciate it :)