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The image whether it is a 3d object or any other type of visuals are the first thing users focusing on when any website opens. In my opinion the quality objects presented above the fold (the first interaction of the user with the website) play very important role in translating the message to the user, since the time to convey the right message ...


Original logo with the geometric shapes integration and same shapes combined as a stand alone section are great elements to bring some unique feel to the pretty much standard layout of the landing page block above the fold.

The first impression when the elements of the landing page finally found their places after the page completely loaded, was ...


Ok. Let's do this!

I am at the home page. The page loads well. Spinning loader is good. Animated overlay is working nice and finally I can see the page content - great start!

Hmmm... When clicking on the site logo get - 404

When hovering over active menu item Intro - I would expect the cursor + div behave as if you s...


When the site opened first time, means the assets is not cashed yet, the content loads in front of the user first you can see the header nav, than animated text at the center and only after you BG image. At the very first moments you lose the points (and visitor's respect). This is of course very small thing and visitor may not see, but will def...

The amount of information this work has is amazing!
However the design/branding looks outdated. And I have made interesting (for me :) observation:

- modern design can help to increase the time visitor stays on site
- modern design can help to focus the attention on information that not necessary a part of the visitors interests.

Design is a beauty....


The page is in front of me at 1600x1050px browser window.

First thing I have noticed, and this is sad because the landing viewport is very nicely crafted, simple enough but completely informative. So where am I? First thing I have noticed it is slideshow, that pushing the Blue down. This is your main page where you have one time chance to impress...

F5 Studio


Very well developed homepage entering desktop viewport. Great work!

Clear and informative message (head line).
Great work with the responsiveness and small animations!
Definitely, the impression of this first section is welcoming to explore more site's content.

However the Hire Us button kinda tells you - "OK, you have seen everything. Do not need t...

Gabiano holding

An empty Word document opened and ready to be spoiled with the black lines of text - emotions ("The review is an emotions in textual state.").
This is going to be fun!

The first impression is absolutely great. Well-crafted intro animations taking the visitors full attention and creating trust from the really first moments of the visitors interacti...


I love simple and beautiful Above the Fold!
Kudos for the choose of the headline font.
The home page visually - very appealing.

When hovering the hero title of the home screen, an arrow indicates, that user will be taken somewhere else. Same time when hovering on the hero image of single case study, nothing show you that there something going to ha...